Use the MyStatusArea control and the MyPresenceChooser and MyNoteBox subcontrols to allow users to view and change their presence status and user note.

The choice of using the MyStatusArea control or the subcontrols partly depends on whether you prefer to display the subcontrols together. The MyStatusArea control provides an easy way to display them together. To display them separately, use the subcontrols. Additionally, the MyStatusArea control includes the photo, name, and location of the currently signed-in user.

MyStatusArea Control

The MyStatusArea control displays the MyPresenceChooser and MyNoteBox subcontrols together as a single unit.

MyStatusArea Control

Clicking the presence status box displays a list of presence status options like Busy. The user can change their presence status by selecting one of these options. The user can change their note string by typing in new text and pressing the Enter key.

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  <controls:MyStatusArea PhotoDisplayMode="Small"/>

MyPresenceChooser Control

The MyPresenceChooser control handles the user's presence status as a separate control.

MyPresenceChooser Control

Clicking the control displays a list of presence status options. The user can change their presence status by selecting one of these options.

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MyNoteBox Control

The MyNoteBox control handles the user note string as a separate control.

MyNoteBox Control

The user can change their note string by typing in new text and pressing the Enter key.

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See Also