 Change View 
Configuring Information Stores

Administer a Public Folder Store

You can administer the public folder store in any of the following ways:

To view logon information:

The first option for administering the public folder store follows. You can find the other three options below in Related Topics.

  1. Start System Manager
    On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Exchange, and then click System Manager.
  2. Navigate to the public folder store you want to administer.

    System Manager

    1. Administrative Group or Organization
    2. Servers
    3. Server
    4. Public Folder Store
  3. Click Logons. Information about all logons to the public folder store are displayed in the details pane. Right-click Logons, click View, and then click Choose Columns to see the types of logon information you can use to construct a view.
  4. The following table describes the available columns:
    Column heading Description
    User Name The network user name.
    Windows 2000 Account The Windows 2000 account name of the user who last logged on to this mailbox.
    Logon Time The date and time that a user last logged on.
    Last Access Time The date and time the user last accessed the store.
    Client Version The version of the client that was used to log on to this mailbox or public folder.
    Code Page The code page that the client is using.
    Folder Ops The total number of folder operations performed in the last 60 seconds, such as opening or closing a folder.
    Full Mailbox Directory Name The full e-mail address of the mailbox being accessed. This option is available only for the mailbox store.
    Full User Directory Name The name of the mailbox that is accessing the mailbox store.
    Host Address The Internet protocol (IP) address of the client.
    Locale ID The locale ID for the language the client is using.
    Messaging Ops The total number of messaging operations performed in the last 60 seconds, such as opening or closing a message.
    Open Attachments The total number of open attachments.
    Open Folders The total number of open folders.
    Open Messages The total number of open messages.
    Other Ops The total number of miscellaneous operations performed in the last 60 seconds.
    Progress Ops The total number of progress operations performed in the last 60 seconds. Progress operations tell the user how long it takes to complete a task.
    Stream Ops The total number of stream operations performed in the last 60 seconds, such as viewing or changing an attachment.
    Table Ops The total number of table operations performed in the last 60 seconds, such as viewing the contents of a folder.
    Total Ops The total number of operations performed in the last 60 seconds.
    Transfer Ops The total number of transfer operations performed in the last 60 seconds, such as copying or moving a message.

To view public folder information:

To view public folder instances information:

To view replication status information:

Related Topics

Set Public Folder Store Properties Apply Policies to Objects Use Full-Text Indexing