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Schedule Directory Synchronization

Use the Dirsync Schedule tab to schedule synchronization of the GroupWise directory and the Exchange directories.

To schedule directory synchronization:

  1. Start System Manager
    On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Exchange, and then click System Manager.
  2. Navigate to Connector for Novell GroupWise.


    1. Connector for Novell GroupWise
  3. Right-click Connector for Novell GroupWise (server_name), and then click Properties.
  4. Click the Dirsync Schedule tab.
  5. The default setting is Never run. If you want to synchronize directory information, you must either set a synchronization schedule or manually synchronize the information by clicking Immediate full reload or Immediate update.

  6. To synchronize directory information according to one of the predefined schedules (Run daily at 11:00 PM, Run every hour, and so on), select a schedule from the drop-down menu.
  7. To specify your own synchronization schedule, click Customize. In Schedule, fill in the schedule grid.
  8. Tip   The default schedule view is one hour. To view the grid in 15-minute increments, in Detail view, select 15 Minute.

    After you close Schedule, the setting Use custom schedule appears automatically in the schedule list.

Related Topics

Controlling Directory Synchronization Scheduling Considerations Synchronize Directories Immediately