Topic Last Modified: 2006-05-17
The Microsoft® Exchange Server Analyzer Tool sends a test message from the Exchange server to the Postmaster account or a user-defined account for the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) domain and then scans the message tracking logs of the server to determine whether issues were found with the delivery of the test message.
As a part of this scan, the Exchange Server Analyzer queries the EntryType property for the Exchange_MessageTrackingEntry Microsoft Windows® Management Instrumentation (WMI) class under the root\MicrosoftExchangeV2 namespace to determine what occurred to cause the message tracking log entry(s) to be created.
If the Exchange Server Analyzer Tool finds a value of 1030 for the EntryType property, the Exchange Server Analyzer displays a warning.
This warning indicates that the test message generated a Non Delivery Report (NDR) and there may be a problem with the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) configuration for the server. An NDR should be expected if the targeted recipient does not exist, but this is an issue if the test message was sent to a legitimate recipient.
As a troubleshooting step, you may want to try to send other messages to the same recipient and review the NDRs to determine the cause.
For more information about how to troubleshoot NDRs, see "Troubleshooting Non-Delivery Report Messages" in the Exchange Server Transport and Routing Guide (