Topic Last Modified: 2014-02-07

The application sharing, web, and dial-in conferences report returns information about the number of conferences in which at least one application was shared; the number of conferences that included data conferencing activities such as a whiteboard, annotation, or poll; and the number of conferences in which at least one user dialed in to the conference using a “regular” phone or cell phone (more technically, a device attached to the public switched telephone network, commonly-known as the PSTN). The report looks like this in the Office 365 admin center:

View of app sharing, Web, and conf activity report

The application sharing, web, and dial-in conferences report includes the following metrics:

Metric Description

Application sharing

Total number of conferences in which at least one application was shared.


Total number of conferences which included whiteboards, polls, or other data conferencing content.


Total number of conferences that included at least one user who dialed into the conference using a cell phone, landline, or other device attached to the PSTN network.

This report shows only a subset of the different conference types. If you would like to see information about instant messaging or audio/video conferences, or if you would like to see the total number of conferences organized by your users, see the IM and audio/video conferences report.

Note, too that the Lync Online reports only record that a conference used at least one poll, whiteboard, or annotation: the reports do not track information such as the total number of polls that have been used. That means that you can use the reports to determine that 11 conferences have used polls, whiteboards, or annotations. However, you cannot use the reports to determine which of those activities were used in a given conference, or how many of those activities were used (for example, that Ken Myer hosted a conference that included six different polls). Likewise, you cannot determine which applications were shared.

See Also