You can activate an Application Server by using the AppServer context. Use the following syntax example to activate an Application Server.

Copy Code
LCSCmd.exe /AppServer:<Application Server FQDN>
/Action:Activate /PoolName:<pool name> /Password:<Account
Password> [/RefDomain:<Domain FQDN>]
[/PDCRequired[:{TRUE|FALSE}]] [/GlobalSettingsDC:<FQDN of a
global settings domain controller>] [/DC:<domain controller
FQDN>] [/GC:<Global Catalog FQDN>] [/Global:{Configuration
| System}][/User:<Account Name>] [/NoStart[:{TRUE|FALSE}]]
[/Force[:{TRUE|FALSE}]] [/L:<log file path>]

Such as:

Copy Code
LCSCmd.exe /AppServer /Action:Activate /PoolName:Pool01


Parameter Description


Executes the action for the specified Application Server computer. If no FQDN is specified, the current computer is used.


Takes a string that specifies the action name. Valid action names include CheckLCServerState, Activate, Deactivate, ActivateApp, DeactivateApp, and Diag.


Specifies the name of the pool that the Application Server is going to serve. For Standard Edition servers, this must be the computer name.


Specifies the reference domain FQDN.


Specifies the global setting location.


Specifies the service account password for the server.


Specifies the service account name for the server. It defaults to RTCComponentService. If the specified user account does not exist, Office Communications Server 2007 R2 automatically creates the account.


Specifies whether to start the service on the server during activation.


Specifies whether to force task execution.

Activating Applications

After activating the Application Server, you need to activate the Conferencing Attendant, Conference Announcement Service, Outside Voice Control, and Response Group Service applications.

All supported configurations require that you install all four applications (Conferencing Attendant, Conference Announcement Service, Outside Voice Control, and Response Group Service), but you need to activate only the applications you will be using.

Here is the syntax for activating an application.

Copy Code
LCSCmd.exe /AppServer:<Application Server FQDN>
/Action:ActivateApp /ApplicationId:<application Id>
/Password:<Account Password> [/RefDomain:<Domain FQDN>]
[/PDCRequired[:{TRUE|FALSE}]] [/GlobalSettingsDC:<FQDN of a
global settings domain controller>] [/DC:<domain controller
FQDN>] [/GC:<Global Catalog FQDN>] [/Global:{Configuration
| System}][/Port:<server port> ][/User:<Sign-in account
for the service>] [/ExistingContactDN:<Existing Contact
DN>] [/NoStart[:{TRUE|FALSE}]] [/Force[:{TRUE|FALSE}]]
[/L:<log file path>] [/XML[:{TRUE|FALSE}]]

Heres an example.

Copy Code
LCSCmd.exe /AppServer /Action:ActivateApp
/ApplicationId:Microsoft.Rtc.Application.Caa /Password:My$tr0ngPwd


Parameter Description


Executes the action for the specified Application Server computer. If no FQDN is specified, the current computer is used.


Takes a string that specifies the action name. Valid action names include CheckLCServerState, Activate, Deactivate, ActivateApp, DeactivateApp, and Diag.


Specifies the ID of the application to activate. Valid values are:





These values represent the Conference Attendant, Conference Announcement Service, Outside Voice Control, and Response Group Service, respectively.


Specifies the reference domain FQDN.


Specifies the global setting location.


Specifies the service account password for the server.


Specifies the service account name for the server. It defaults to RTCComponentService. If the specified user account does not exist, Office Communications Server 2007 R2 automatically creates the account.


Specifies whether to start the service on the server during activation.


Specifies whether to force task execution.