The topics in this section describe the minimum hardware requirements for various Office Communications Server deployment scenarios and server roles. The requirements vary according to server role, topology (Standard Edition, Enterprise Edition in a consolidated configuration, or Enterprise Edition in an expanded configuration), and storage requirements, and they are determined by the specific deployment scenario.
In this section, each topic describes requirements that apply to a unique scenario or server role. Each topic identifies which scenarios and server roles pertain to the requirements described in that topic.
Office Communications Server 2007 R2 requires 64-bit hardware. The 32-bit hardware used for prior versions of this product cannot be reused for Office Communications Server 2007 R2.
In This Section
Hardware Requirements for Enterprise Edition Consolidated Configuration with 100,000 Endpoints
Hardware Requirements for Enterprise Edition Consolidated Configuration with 200,000 Endpoints
Hardware Requirements for Monitoring Server, Archiving Server, and Group Chat Server
Hardware Requirements for Enterprise Edition Consolidated Configuration Edge Server
Hardware Requirements for Enterprise Edition Expanded Configuration
Hardware Requirements for Standard Edition