The Group Chat Administration Tool can be used for creating and managing both chat rooms and categories. You must have Group Chat Administrator rights to use this tool. Users who are not Chat Room administrators can use the Group Chat client to create new chat rooms. Users can also use the desktop client to manage any chat room they create or to which they have been added as a chat room manager. Most settings of an existing category or chat room can be changed at any time. To change a setting in the Group Chat Administration Tool, select a chat room or category in the Chat Roomslist, and then click the Settingstab.
The following topics describe how to create and work with categories and chat rooms.
In This Section
Creating a New
Creating Chat
Setting Scope
for a Category
Membership of a Chat Room
Enabling a User
to Manage a Specific Chat Room
Setting Who Can
Post Messages In an Auditorium Chat Room
Disabling or
Enabling a Chat Room
Moving a Chat
Room or Category
Deleting a Chat
Room or Category