Applies to: Exchange Server 2007 SP1, Exchange Server
Topic Last Modified: 2010-06-15
After you have installed Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, you should verify the installation. If you determine that installation did not complete successfully, you may need to troubleshoot the problem. You can troubleshoot an Exchange 2007 deployment in the following ways:
- By using the Exchange setup logs
- By running Exchange Management Shell commands to test the
health of your services or system
In addition, the following topics will help you troubleshoot specific deployment and migration issues:
- Setup Exits
Unexpectedly or an Error Message Occurs When You Run Commands to
Prepare Active Directory
- Windows
Installer Error Message Received When You Try to Install Exchange
- MSExchange
TransportService Event Error 1016 Received When Exchange 2007 Setup
- Setup Cannot
Find the Recipient Update Service When Preparing Legacy Exchange
- Issues with
Update Rollups
- Troubleshooting Update
Rollup Installations
- Unable to
Install Exchange 2007 Client Access Server in Existing Exchange
2003 Organization
- Setup Fails
With Error: Requested Registry Access is Not Allowed
- Edge
Transport Setup Fails With ADAM Error
- Edge
Transport Setup Fails With DSACLs Error
- Hub
Transport Setup Fails With Accepted Domain Already Exists
- Mailbox
Server Setup Fails with Offline Address Book Error
- Microsoft
Exchange Management Pack Configuration Wizard Fails During
- How to
Troubleshoot Missing Values for ExtensionAttribute
- Mailbox
Moved from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007 May Be Shown as Linked
- Setup Fails
With Error: The Exchange Server Is in an Inconsistent State. Only
Disaster Recovery Mode is Available
- License
Expired Warning on Hub Transport Server When You Start Exchange
Management Console
- Exchange
Server 2007 SP1 Setup Fails on Hub Transport Role Due to Incorrect
FQDN on Receive Connector
- Event ID
9186 Occurs After You Move an Exchange 2007 Server from One
Organizational Unit to Another Organizational Unit
- You Cannot
Create a Profile for a New Mailbox User in Exchange 2007
- You Receive
a Message That States That Only the Build-Build Upgrade Mode Is
Available When You Install Exchange 2007 Service Pack 1
- Exchange
2007 SP1 Setup Fails with a Name Property Contains Leading or
Trailing Whitespace Error
- You Receive
a Setup Fails Due to Insufficient Permissions Error Message When
Installing Exchange 2007 SP1
- Exchange
2007 SP1 Clustered Mailbox Server Cannot Be Installed in Windows
Server 2008
- You Cannot
Add a Server That Is Running Exchange 2000 or Exchange 2003 to a
Hub Transport Server Role When You Set Up Exchange 2007
- Events 59
and 32 Occur After Exchange 2007 Is Installed
- Error
Message When You Install Update Rollup 8 for Exchange 2007
- Error
Message After You Apply Update Rollup 1 for Exchange 2007 SP1 in a
Non-English Environment
- Exchange
2007 Setup Stops Because the Domain Has a Single-Label DNS
Using Setup Logs
To troubleshoot your Exchange 2007 deployment, you should use the log files located at %systemdrive%\ExchangeSetupLogs. You will see several log files in this directory. The most relevant is the ExchangeSetup.log file. To find out if Setup encountered any errors, search this file for "[ERROR]".
Other files in the ExchangeSetupLogs directory include the following:
- *.msilog files. These files include additional logged
information about specific parts of the installation.
- *.ps1 files. These files are Exchange Management Shell scripts
that Setup calls during the installation. To view where in the
installation process each of these scripts was run, search for the
file name in the ExchangeSetup.log file.
- Prerequisites check logs. These logs are located in the PreReqs
directory, which contains log and data files from the Setup
prerequisite checks. These file names all start with "ExBPA"
because the prerequisites are checked by using the engine from the
Microsoft Exchange Server Best Practices Analyzer tool.
After you troubleshoot a Setup failure and make any necessary changes, you do not have to reformat the drive or remove the Exchange files that were copied and then restart Setup. Setup can resume installation at the point that it stopped. Simply run from a Command Prompt window, or click Setup.exe to start the Setup wizard, and it will continue with the previously attempted installation. Or, if you leave the Setup wizard open on the Readiness Checks page, you can make any necessary changes, and then click Retry to run the readiness checks again and continue with the installation.
Note: |
If Setup successfully installs at least one server role and then fails, when you restart the Setup wizard, you will be in maintenance mode. This means that you already have at least one component of Exchange 2007 installed. You can also start Setup in maintenance mode by running Add or Remove Programs from Control Panel and selecting either Change or Remove for Microsoft Exchange Server. In maintenance mode, you can add server roles. If you select Remove from Control Panel, you can also remove server roles. For more information, see Removing and Modifying Exchange 2007. |
For detailed information about using the setup logs to troubleshoot Setup, see the following Exchange Server Team Blog articles:
- Phases of Exchange 2007 Setup
- Exchange 2007 setup logs and how to use them to
troubleshoot setup
- How does Exchange 2007 setup know how to resume a
failed setup?
Note: |
The content of each blog and its URL are subject to change without notice. The content within each blog is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. Use of included script samples or code is subject to the terms specified in the Microsoft Terms of Use. |
Using Exchange Management Shell Cmdlets
The following Exchange Management Shell cmdlets can be helpful for troubleshooting deployment issues:
- Test-ServiceHealth
- Test-SystemHealth
Use the Test-ServiceHealth cmdlet to test whether all the required services that are configured to start automatically on a server have started. You can use this to determine what state a server is in after a failed or partially completed installation.
Use the Test-SystemHealth cmdlet to gather data about your Exchange system and to analyze the data according to best practices. This cmdlet performs the same tests and analysis as the Exchange Server Best Practices Analyzer.
For More Information
For more information about troubleshooting Exchange 2007 operations, see Troubleshooting.
For more information about verifying your installation, see Verifying an Exchange 2007 Installation.
For detailed syntax and parameter information about the Test-ServiceHealth cmdlet, see Test-ServiceHealth.
For detailed syntax and parameter information about the Test-SystemHealth cmdlet, see Test-SystemHealth.