Microsoft Exchange Troubleshooting Assistant
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Microsoft Exchange Troubleshooting Assistant
Installing the Microsoft Exchange Troubleshooting Assistant
How to View a Previous Microsoft Exchange Troubleshooting Assistant Report
How the Microsoft Exchange Server Troubleshooting Assistant Troubleshoots
Overview of the Microsoft Exchange Performance Troubleshooter
Prerequisites for Running the Microsoft Exchange Performance Troubleshooter
Permissions for the Microsoft Exchange Performance Troubleshooter
Starting Analysis with the Microsoft Exchange Performance Troubleshooter
Understanding the Microsoft Exchange Performance Troubleshooter Output
Overview of the Microsoft Exchange Mail Flow Troubleshooter
Prerequisites for Running the Microsoft Exchange Mail Flow Troubleshooter
Permissions for the Microsoft Exchange Mail Flow Troubleshooter
Starting Analysis with the Microsoft Exchange Mail Flow Troubleshooter
Understanding the Microsoft Exchange Mail Flow Troubleshooter Output
Overview of Microsoft Exchange Database Recovery Management
Prerequisites for Running Microsoft Exchange Database Recovery Management
Effect on Performance of Microsoft Exchange Database Recovery Management
The Task Center
Microsoft Exchange Server Analyzer - Articles
Active Directory
Active Directory Connector server is down or unreachable
Active Directory Connector server is not executing any connection agreements and is a candidate for removal
Active Directory Connector server is not running the latest Service Pack for Windows 2000 Server
Active Directory Connector server may be overloaded
Active Directory Connector software update required
This Active Directory forest has been configured for Hosted Exchange
Active Directory server down or unreachable
Active Directory server has less than 1 GB of memory but has the /3GB and /USERVA=3030 switches set in the Boot.ini file
Active Directory server has less than 1 GB of memory but has the /3GB switch set in the Boot.ini file
Active Directory server is running Windows 2000 Server and has the /3GB switch set
Active Directory Server registry could not be accessed
Active Directory server software update available
Active Directory Server WMI could not be accessed
ADCDisabledMail attribute detected
Address List filter setting may cause new recipients to not display in address lists
Address Type Object Does Not Exist
The administrative group mode is unknown
Authenticated Users configuration is incorrect for Hosted Exchange
Certificate Principal Mismatch
Connection agreement activation schedule has been set to Never
Connection agreement is orphaned
Default display name modified
The Default Global Address List is missing or changed
Deleted item retention is disabled for mailbox store
Deleted item retention is disabled for public folder store
Deleted mailbox retention is disabled
Domain has an unknown Exchange signature
Domain Controller is running Virtual Server 2005 with Exchange Server installed as a Guest
Domain Naming FSMO role did not respond
Domain Naming FSMO role not found
Directory Server DNS name resolution failure
dSHeuristics is not set correctly for Hosted Exchange
Duplicate Exchange server legacyExchangeDN or fully qualified domain name
Duplicate Microsoft Exchange System Objects container exists in Active Directory
Error Accessing Active Directory
Error Accessing Exchange Administrative Groups
Error Accessing Exchange Configuration Container
ESE Log File Size Unsupported
Everyone security group is not denied the right to create top-level public folders
Exchange domain container problem
Exchange domain servers group not found
Exchange Enterprise Servers group not found
Exchange object in Lost and Found container
Exchange organization has zero recipient policies
Exchange organization has zero system policies
Global Catalog NSPI port has been overridden
Global catalog port 3268 not responding
Group class schema error
Hosted Exchange requires a native mode Exchange organization
Infrastructure FSMO server role did not respond
Invalid DNS Domain Name
Invalid version attribute on the Exchange organization object
Legacy account information present in native mode administrative group
The legacyExchangeDN attribute for the Exchange organization is invalid
Legacy domain information present in native mode administrative group
The LegacyExchangeDN for this administrative group does not match the parent organization
The legacyExchangeDN for this administrative group is invalid
Mail-enabled non-universal groups present
Mailbox Enable User system policy change is required
MAPI interface disabled on global catalog
MaxActiveQueries has been modified
MaxPageSize is non-default
MaxPageSize is set too high
MaxValRange Is Non-Default
Message restrictions are not set correctly
Message size limit conflict
The Microsoft System Attendant attribute is missing
More than 800 address lists are present
More than 800 global address lists are present
The msExchHomeMDB attribute is indexed
The msExchPFTreeType attribute is not set to the default value
The msExchRoutingGroupMembersBL attribute is indexed
Multiple public folder hierarchies found
NeverPing parameter recommended
A newer version of the Active Directory Connector is available
Nominated Exchange server for this connection agreement does not exist in the organization
The nominated offline address book server does not exist in the organization
The nominated Recipient Update Service Exchange server does not exist in the organization
The nominated routing group master server was not detected in this administrative group
The number of public folder connection agreements is less than the number of configuration connection agreements
Offline Address Book generation is set to update continuously
Offline Address Book generation schedule has been set to Never
Old connection agreement version detected
PDC Emulator FSMO role did not respond
Permissions inheritance block on configuration object
Permissions Inheritance Block on Domain Object
Public folder hierarchy not found
Recipient connection agreement replication schedule is not set to 'Always'
Recipient policy includes variables
Recipient Update Service appears to be stalled
Recipient Update Service Did Not Process All Changes
Recipient Update Service full rebuild
Recipient Update Service is configured for full rebuild
Recipient Update Service is inactive
Recipient Update Service software update required
RUS Instance does not exist for the domain
Replication epoch change
Replica of Offline Address Book version 2 not found
Replica of Offline Address Book version 3a not found
Directory Replication Connector schedule
RID FSMO server role did not respond
Schema FSMO role not found
Schema FSMO role did not respond
A Secure Sockets Layer Certificate Will be Expiring Soon
Servers container is missing
Service Principal Name Missing from Global Catalog Server
A Single-labeled DNS Domain was Detected
The Site Folder Server public folder store for this administrative group does not exist within this administrative group
The Site Folder Server public folder store used by the offline address book was not detected
SiteName is hard-coded
The System Attendant homeMDB attribute is missing
There are more than 900 Administrative Groups in your Exchange organization
There are more than 900 Exchange servers in your Exchange organization
There are more than ten administrators delegated at the organizational level
This Computer Belongs to a Single-Labeled DNS Domain
This connection agreement is not set to create disabled accounts when no match is made
This is a one-way connection agreement from Exchange
This is a one-way connection agreement from Windows
Timestamp comparison between Exchange and Active Directory exceeds 5 minutes
Timestamp comparison between the Active Directory Connector server and Active Directory exceeds 5 minutes
Windows Server 2003 is not running the final released build
Windows Server 2003 is running pre-release software
Windows 2000 Server is not running Service Pack 4
Windows 2000 Server is not running the final released build
Virtual List View (VLV) Support in Active Directory is Disabled.
X.400 address has an invalid termination character
Database Recovery
ESE 428 (0xfffff8f0): Insufficient Free Space Remaining on Transaction Log Drive
ESE 454 -515: Missing Required Transaction Log File
ESE 455 -1811 (0xfffff8ed): Missing Current (Exx.log) Transaction Log File
ESE 474 -1018: Unrecoverable Error Detected in Database
MSExchangeIS 1003: Insufficient Free Space Remaining on Exchange Database Drive
MSExchangeIS 1088: Cannot mount database because of invalid legacyExchangeDN
MSExchangeIS 5000 (0x3f5): Invalid Service Account Configured for the Information Store Service
MSExchangeIS 5000 (0x80004005): Cannot Mount Database Because of Incorrect Service Account or Missing SeSecurityPrivilege Permissions or Incorrect Group Membership
MSExchangeIS 5000 (0x80040154): Missing or Corrupted SMTP Service Extensions
MSExchangeIS 5000 (0xc004038a): Cannot Mount Database Because of Incorrect Permissions or Deleted Routing Group
MSExchangeIS 5000 (0x8004010f): Cannot Mount Database Because of Incorrect Permissions or Invalid Characters in the Organization Name
MSExchangeIS 9518 (0xfffffddc): Exceeded the Maximum Number of Transaction Logs Available for this Storage Group
MSExchangeIS 9518 0xfffffbc4: Log File Path Already in Use
MSExchangeIS 9518 (0xfffff745): Unable to Create or Access TMP Files
MSExchangeIS 9518 (0xfffffd9a): Missing Checkpoint File, and More Than 1,008 Transaction Log Files Exist
MSExchangeIS 9518 0xfffffb40: Missing Database File
MSExchangeIS 9518 (0xfffffea8): Mismatched Database Time Stamp in the Database File
MSExchangeIS 9518 (0xfffff764): Missing or Inaccessible Streaming File
MSExchangeIS 9518 (0xfffffbf8): Missing Required Permissions on Exchange Database Folder or Drive
MSExchangeIS 9518 (0xfffff743): Too Many Temp Files
MSExchangeIS 9519 (0xfffffb3a): Detected Multiple Databases With Same Signature In Use
MSExchangeIS 9519 (0xfffffe07): Unable to Mount Database Due to Running Backup Process
MSExchangeIS 9519 (0x3f3): Unchecked
MSExchangeIS 9518 (0xfffffc01): Incorrect Database or Transaction Log Drive or Directory
MSExchangeIS 9519 (0xfffffbda): Missing Double Byte Character Set Locale Configured as the Default System Locale
MSExchangeIS 9519 (0xfffff05b): Database or Logs Compressed on a Server Running Exchange Server 2000 SP3 or Higher
MSExchangeIS 9519 (0xfffffa84): Missing or Corrupted Database Indexes
MSExchangeIS 9519 (0x89a): Well Known Security Identifier Included in the Store ACL
MSExchangeIS 9519 0x972: Public Folders Container Deleted, or Missing Required Attributes
Exchange Cluster
Additional Heartbeat Network Needed
Cluster debugging is enabled
Cluster dedicated heartbeat network priority set incorrectly
ClusterLogSize Environment Variable is Non-default
ClusterLogSize Environment Variable Not Present
ClusterLogSize Environment Variable Too Small
Cluster Node Windows build number does not match first node
Cluster Node Windows service pack version does not match first node
Cluster TEMP/TMP path is on the same drive as the system partition
Dedicated cluster heartbeat not found
Default file size for cluster.log should be raised to 32
Enable Kerberos Authentication for SMTP
Exchange cluster node could not be contacted
Exchange data path in Active Directory does not match cluster registry
Event log replication is enabled
Kerberos disabled on Network Name resource
Kerberos enabled on Network Name resource
MSDTC Appears to Be Missing from a Cluster
MSDTC Outages Will Affect Cluster Group
MTA Outages Will Affect Cluster Group
No Cluster Witness Has Been Configured
A Shared Disk Quorum Has Been Detected
A Shared Disk Witness Has Been Detected
This is a 2-node Active/Active Cluster
Possible CMS Setup Failure
Quorum log too small
Exchange Server
The 32-bit version of ASP.NET is installed in a 64-bit version of Windows
2007 Office System Converter: Microsoft Filter Pack is Not Installed
Account Lockout installed
Active Directory Site Mismatch
Active Server Pages is not installed
ActiveSync virtual directory permissions should be restricted
Administrative file shares disabled
AFD.SYS driver and X.400 connector interoperability
Aging Keep Time interval for database is non-default
Antigen Update Available
Application log size
An application pool is running under an incorrect identity
ASP.NET Rootver is damaged
ASP.NET 2.0 is not enabled
At Least One Exchange 2007 Public Folder Store is Required
Automatic Operating System debugging has been disabled
Average LDAP read latency has exceeded 50 milliseconds
Maximum LDAP read latency has exceeded 100 milliseconds
Average LDAP search latency has exceeded 50 milliseconds
Maximum LDAP search latency has exceeded 100 milliseconds
Cannot identify the specified Exchange gateway
Categorizer queue length beyond threshold
CDO.DLL file is missing
CimWin32.dll update available
The Client Access server is not a member of the Exchange Servers group
Client Applications Impact on Server Performance
Cluster TEMP path is invalid or non-default
Consider multiple offline address book replicas
Content compression is not enabled or content compression is too high on the Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync virtual directory
Connection to Recipient Update Service domain controller
Content indexing is enabled for this public folder store but updates are not scheduled
Content indexing is enabled for this mailbox store but updates are not scheduled
Content Update Available
CPQCIDRV.SYS driver update available
CrashOnAuditFail in effect
Custom public folder referral list
The database cache size is not set to the recommended value
Database performance monitor object is not available
DAVEX.DLL file is missing
Debug Tracing is Enabled
DHCP Client service is not running
Directory browsing is enabled on a Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync virtual directory
Dr. Watson not enabled
DSA Computer name mismatch
DSACCESS.DLL file is missing
The DSAccess configuration cache is full
DSAccess configuration cache value is non-default
DSAccess DisableNetLogonCheck registry parameter is non-default
DSAccess has been hard-coded
DSAccess is not using port 389 for LDAP domain controller requests
DSAccess is not using port 3268 for LDAP global catalog requests
DSAccess LdapKeepAliveSecs registry parameter is non-default
DSAccess LdapKeepAliveSecs registry parameter is set to non-supported value
DSAccess PreloadBaseDNs registry parameter is non-default
DSAccess PreloadFilters registry parameter is non-default
DSAccess reports that this Active Directory server is not functional
DSAccess reports that this Active Directory server is not synchronized with the rest of the topology
DSAccess reports that this Active Directory server is taking longer than 2 seconds to respond to LDAP requests
DSAccess TopoCreateTimeoutSecs registry parameter is non-default
The DSAccess user cache is full
DSAccess user cache value is non-default
DSProxy RFR service has been disabled
Duplicate httpRuntime entries in the Web.config file
EMSMTA.EXE file is missing
EnableAuthEpResolution registry key is enabled
Epoxy Client Out Queue Length (IMAP) beyond threshold
Epoxy Client Out Queue Length (POP) beyond threshold
EPOXY.DLL file is missing
Epoxy performance monitor object is not available
Epoxy Store Out Queue Length (IMAP) beyond threshold
Epoxy Store Out Queue Length (POP) beyond threshold
Error Accessing Exchange Server
Error Accessing Exchange Server Information
Error Accessing Message Tracking Log
Error while upgrading ACLs
ESE.DLL file is missing
ESEUTIL.EXE file is missing
EXCDO.DLL file is missing
EXCHMEM.DLL file is missing
EXMIME.DLL file is missing
EXOLEDB.DLL file is missing
EXPOP3.DLL file is missing
EXPROX.DLL file is missing
EXRES.DLL file is missing
EXSMTP.DLL file is missing
EXSMTP.DLL file version is outdated
Exchange ActiveSync tracing is currently enabled
Exchange binary file version is newer than installed version of Exchange Server
This Exchange cluster node is also a domain controller
Exchange Error Reporting is disabled
This Exchange front-end server has the /3GB startup switch in the Boot.ini file
Exchange IFS drive has not been explicitly excluded from Windows Backup
This Exchange mailbox server has 1 GB or more of memory but does not have /3GB set in the Boot.ini file
Exchange Management service is not running as LocalSystem
Exchange Management service is stopped
Exchange Provider Tracing is Enabled
Exchange 2000 Server is not running the latest Service Pack
Exchange 2000 Server is not supported on Windows Server 2003
Exchange 2007 pre-release version is installed
Exchange 2007 server object has been moved to a different administrative group
Exchange resident on domain controller that is not a global catalog server
Exchange Servers group does not have default group membership
Exchange Server 5.5 detected
Exchange Server 5.5 is not running the latest Service Pack
Exchange Server 5.5 is not supported on Windows 2003
Exchange Server 5.0 is not running the latest Service Pack or Update Rollup
Exchange Server 5.5 resident on Active Directory domain controller
Exchange Server DNS name resolution failure
The Exchange server has been designated as a front-end and appears to host mailboxes
This Exchange server is also a domain controller, which is not a recommended configuration
This Exchange server is down or unreachable
This Exchange server is running on Windows NT4.0; limited diagnostic information is available
This Exchange Server 2003 server is not running the final Service Pack 2 build
Exchange Server is running SharePoint Portal Server
Exchange Server is running Virtual Server 2005 with another Exchange Server installed as a Guest
Exchange server running DNS services
Exchange server running SQL Server
Exchange server running under VMware
This Exchange server has less than 1 GB of memory but has the /3GB and /USERVA=3030 switches in the boot.ini file
This Exchange server has less than 1 GB of memory but has the /3GB switch set in the Boot.ini file
This Exchange server has the /3GB startup switch set in the Boot.ini file
This Exchange 2003 server is not running the final Service Pack 1 build (7226.6)
This Exchange server is running Windows 2000 Server but has the /3GB switch set in the boot.ini file
Exchange Server WMI could not be accessed
The Exchange System Attendant service is not running on this front-end server
The Exchange System Attendant service is not running
Exchmem Heaps Indicating Performance Issue
ExMon Tracing is not Enabled on the Server
EXCHMEM.DLL present in Windows System32 folder
Fatal error found
FCL logging is not Enabled for the server
Free Page Table entries is at the critical threshold
Free Page Table entries is at the warning threshold
Front-end server is running Site Replication Service
GAPI32.DLL file is missing from bin folder
GAPI32.DLL file is missing from system32 folder
GlobalFlag has been set
A high number of ACL upgrade failures are occurring
Highly Active Exmon User
IIS is Creating 32-bit processes on a 64-bit Machine
IIS SMTP Service Installed
Improve Kernel Memory
Improve User Memory
Improve Virtual Memory
Intelligent Message Filter is not installed on one or more servers running Exchange Server 2003
Integrated Windows authentication is turned off
IPv4 is Not Enabled on Windows Server 2008
ISAPI Caching Is Disabled
ISA Server 2000 Update is available
Journaling recipient is not valid
Journaling recipient points to a deleted object
Journaling recipient points to a disabled account
Journaling recipient points to the local server
Journaling recipient should be hidden
Junk store threshold not configured
Kernel memory depletion
Kernel Resource Depletion: Volume Shadow Copy Service Update
LeakDiag is installed
LeakDiag is enabled
Less Than Seven Days of Log Space Left
The LegacyExchangeDN for this Exchange server does not match the parent administrative group
The LegacyExchangeDN for this Exchange server is invalid
License logging service is set to Automatic
Load Balancing Update Required
Log Filename does not Match Log Generation Number
Log Sequence Signature Mismatch
Log Signature Issue
Log record bytes/sec beyond error threshold
LogicalDisk performance monitor object is not available
Long-latency MAPI operations found
Long-running MAPI bulk operation
Long-running MAPI 'FindRow' operation
Long-running MAPI online operation
Long-running MAPI operation
Long-running MAPI 'SaveChangesMessage' operation
Long-running MAPI 'SetColumns' operation
Long-running MAPI synchronization operation
Long-running MAPI 'TaskQ' operation
Long-running operation due to MAPI 'Restrict' operation
MAD.EXE file is missing
MAD NSPI port is below 5000
MAD RFR port has been manually overridden
MAD RFR port is below 5000
MAPI session limit disabled
MAPI32.DLL file is missing from bin folder
MAPI32.DLL file is missing from system32 folder
MAPISTUB.DLL file is missing
MAPISP32.EXE file is missing
Maximum ESE Cache size larger than 1.2 GB
Maximum recipient limit has been changed
Maximum recipient limit is high
Maximum recipient limit is too low
MaxUserPort Key is Missing or Non-default
MaxUserPort value is too low
MDBSZ.DLL file is missing
Memory performance monitor object is not available
MSExchangeDSAccess Processes performance monitor object is not available
MSExchangeIS Mailbox performance monitor object is not available
MSExchangeIS performance monitor object is not available
MSExchangeIS Public performance monitor object is not available
MSFTE.DLL file is missing
MSGINA.DLL driver update available
MTA APDU logging required parameter is non-default
MTA Call-stack diagnostics required parameter is non-default
MTA Computer name mismatch
MTA Concurrent connections to LAN-MTAs parameter is non-default
MTA Concurrent connections to X.400 gateways parameter is non-default
MTA Concurrent MDB/delivery queue clients parameter is non-default
MTA data files are being written to a compressed folder
MTA data files are being written to an encrypted folder
MTA data files are being written to a non-NTFS partition
MTA DB data buffers per object parameter is non-default
MTA DB file handles parameter is non-default
MTA Diagnostic Logging level is greater than 5 (MTA is in debug mode)
MTA Diagnostic logging level is non-zero
MTA Dispatcher threads parameter is non-default
MTA is not running under LocalSystem account
MTA Kernel threads parameter is non-default
MTA LAN-MTAs parameter is non-default
MTA MDB users parameter is non-default
MTA Max RPC calls outstanding parameter is non-default
MTA Min RPC threads parameter is non-default
MTA RTS threads parameter is non-default
MTA service is not running
MTA service is set to Disabled
MTA Submit/deliver threads parameter is non-default
MTA TCP/IP control blocks parameter is non-default
MTA TCP/IP threads parameter is non-default
MTA Transfer threads parameter is non-default
MTA Transport threads parameter is non-default
Message tracking disabled
Message tracking logs are being written to a compressed folder
Message tracking logs are being written to a non-NTFS partition
Message tracking logs are being written to an encrypted folder
Metabase cannot be accessed
MinUserDC value is non-default
More than 1000 mailbox stores are present
Most Ongoing store.exe calls are waiting for a response from ESE
Most Ongoing store.exe calls are waiting for a response from IMAIL
Most Ongoing store.exe calls are waiting for a response from LSASS
Most Ongoing store.exe calls are waiting for a response from the directory
Most Ongoing store.exe calls are waiting for a response from the Virus Scanner
Most Ongoing store.exe calls are waiting for a response from VSS Snapshot
The MOUNTMGR.SYS File is an Incorrect Version
Move Temp and TMP Directories
Move User Mailboxes to Another Server
Multiple MAPI public folder trees detected
NAS configuration problem
networkAddress attribute is not set correctly
Network Interface performance monitor object is not available
Newer MSGTRACK.dll available
Newer WLDAP32.DLL available
NNTP service enabled
No Client Authentication Methods Available for ActiveSync
No DNS servers are available for tests
No Master Account SID
No SMTP instance found
NSPI target server has been manually overridden
A non-Exchange Server MAPI subsystem is installed
Non-Microsoft ESE engine detected
Non-Microsoft Extensible Storage Engine detected
Nonpaged Pool is over the warning threshold
The number of free page table entries is low, which can cause system instability
The number of Ongoing Calls currently waiting on virus-scanning is near the limit.
OABGEN.DLL file is missing
Obtaining the latest service pack/update rollup for Exchange Server 5.0
Obtaining the latest service pack/update rollup for Exchange Server 5.5
Obtaining the latest service pack/update rollup for Exchange Server 2003
Obtaining the latest service pack/update rollup for Exchange 2000 Server
Offline address book server has been deleted
Offline address book server is running on a front-end server
Offline address book site public folder deleted
Older CDO.DLL file detected
Older DAVEX.DLL file detected
Older DRVIIS.DLL file detected
Older DSACCESS.DLL file detected
Older EMSMTA.EXE file detected
Older EPOXY.DLL file detected
Older ESE.DLL file detected
Older ESEUTIL.EXE file detected
Older EXCDO.DLL file detected
Older EXCHMEM.DLL file detected
Older EXCHMEM.DLL present
Older EXMIME.DLL file detected
Older EXOLEDB.DLL file detected
Older EXPOP3.DLL file detected
Older EXPROX.DLL file detected
Older EXRES.DLL file detected
Older EXSMTP.DLL file detected
Older MAD.EXE file detected
Older MAPI32.DLL file detected
Older MAPI32.DLL file detected in system32 folder
Older MDBSZ.DLL file detected
Older OABGEN.DLL file detected
Older PHATCAT.DLL file detected
Older PHATQ.DLL file detected
Older REAPI.DLL file detected
Older RESVC.DLL file detected
Older STORE.EXE file detected
Ongoing Calls to Active Directory found
Ongoing Calls to ESE found
Ongoing Calls to IMail found
Ongoing Calls to LSASS found
Ongoing calls to Virus Scanning found
Online database maintenance is configured
Operating System GlobalFlag has been set
The operating system is in debug mode
Outlook Web Access is Configured Without SSL
Outlook Web Access requires hotfix for Windows Server 2003 SP1
Outlook Web Access template file mismatch
Outstanding RPC requests reached maximum threshold
PHATCAT.DLL file is missing
PHATQ.DLL file is missing
Page File Performance Issue
Page File Size is Less than Physical Memory Size Plus 10 MB
Page File Usage counter greater than 50%
PageHeapFlags has been set
Nonpaged Pool is over the error threshold
Paged pool is over the warning threshold
Path for RPC proxy server extension is incorrect
The path of a virtual directory on the server does not match the path in Active Directory
PDC emulator is not excluded from DSAccess topology
Performance data for Available MBytes counter
Performance data from Average Disk sec/Read counter of the LogicalDisk performance object
Performance data from Average Disk sec/Read counter of the PhysicalDisk performance object
Performance data from Average Disk sec/Write counter of the LogicalDisk performance object
Performance data for Average Disk sec/Write counter
Performance data from Epoxy Client Out Queue Length (DSAccess) counter
Performance data from Epoxy Client Out Queue Length (SMTP) counter
Performance data from Epoxy Store Out Queue Length (DSAccess) counter
Performance data from Epoxy Store Out Queue Length (SMTP) counter
Performance data from RPC Averaged Latency counter
Performance data from RPC Operations/sec counter
Performance data from RPC Requests counter
Performance data from SMTP Categorizer Queue Length counter
Performance data from SMTP Local Queue Length counter
Performance data from SMTP Remote Queue Length counter
Performance data from Virus Scan Queue Length counter
Performance data for Log Record Stalls/sec counter
Performance data for Log Threads Waiting counter
Performance data for Pages/sec counter
Performance data for % Processor Time counter
Performance data for Bytes Total/sec counter
Performance data from LDAP Read Time counter
Performance data from LDAP Search Time counter
PhysicalDisk performance monitor object is not available
Port conflict: Site Replication Service
Port conflict: Store HTTP
Port conflict: Store TCP
Port conflict: System Attendant HTTP
Port conflict: System Attendant HTTP NSPI
Port conflict: System Attendant NSPI
Port conflict: System Attendant RFR
Pre-release service pack update rollup detected
Problem with Page File Location
Processor Bottleneck
Processor performance monitor object is not available
Public folder content replication is paused
Public Folder Database Cannot be Found
Public folder store present on front-end server
REAPI.DLL file is missing
Recommended updates for Windows 2000 Server SP 4 on a cluster
Remote Queue length beyond threshold
Remote Retry Queue length beyond threshold
Replica of Offline Address Book version 4 not found
Replication Receive Queue queue length beyond threshold
RESVC.DLL file is missing
RestrictRemoteClients registry key is enabled
RFR target server has been manually over-ridden
RegTrace is currently enabled
Rejection threshold not configured
Recipient Update Service deleted
Recipient Update Service is missing or is not configured
RPC binding does not contain FQDN
RPC binding does not match DNS resolved name
The RPC binding order is not correct
The Rpc_Binding_Order registry entry is present
The Rpc_Svr_Binding_Order registry value has been modified from its default value
Round-trip times to Active Directory server are taking more than 100 ms
Round-trip times to Active Directory server are taking more than 10 ms
Round-trip times to global catalog server are taking more than 100 ms
Round-trip times to global catalog server are taking more than 10 ms
Scalable Networking Pack Update is Available
Search filter change is required for Recipient Policy
Search filter change required for Recipient Policy
A security group does not have sufficient rights to an OAB folder
Sender ID not Configured
Server name case mismatch
Server name mismatch
Server name too long
Server RPC network address does not match Exchange server name
Service Principal Name Missing
Service principal name should not be registered
Setup cannot detect an SMTP or Send connector that has an address space of *
A service terminated unexpectedly in the last 24 hours
Services Value is Missing or Inaccessible
Single free/busy replica found
Single free/busy replica found for large number of mailboxes
Single global catalog is present in topology
Site folder server deleted
Slow Active Directory directory service calls
Slow ESE Calls
Slow IMAIL Calls
Slow LSASS calls
Slow Virus Scanner Calls
Slow VSS Snapshot Calls
An 'SMTPSVC' error event (ID: 429) was logged within the last 24 hours
SMTP instance fully-qualified domain name does not match server name
SMTP Local Queue length beyond threshold
SMTP Server performance monitor object is not available
SQL Server is running Virtual Server 2005 with Exchange Server installed as a Guest
SRS port is below 5000
SRS port has been manually overridden
SSL Certificate Is Not Installed or Is Not Configured
SSL is enabled on the ExchWeb virtual directory
SSL is enabled on the Public virtual directory
The start-up account configured for System Attendant is not supported
Store.exe and Exoledb.dll file version mismatch
STORE.EXE file is missing
Store HTTP port is below 5000
Store: HTTP port is non-default
Sub-optimal Memory Settings
Suspect Desktop Search Installed on Clients
SystemPages set too high
SystemPages Value Is Non-Default on 64-bit Computer
System Attendant HTTP port is below 5000
System Attendant HTTP NSPI port is below 5000
System Attendant: HTTP NSPI port is non-default
System Attendant: HTTP port value is non-default
System Attendant legacyExchangeDN value is missing
System Attendant NSPI port has been manually overridden
System Attendant service is configured to interact with desktop
System Attendant service is not running as LocalSystem
TcpTimedWaitDelay Key is Missing or Non-default
The computer is running Windows Web Server 2008 or Windows Web Server 2008 R2
The Mailbox and Categorizer thread count exceeds the recommended limit
The maximum event log size is set too high
The TEMP/TMP variable appears to point to an invalid or inappropriate folder
The Track Duplicates registry entry is missing
This server has 1 GB or more of physical memory and HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold has not been set to 262144
This server is running Windows Server 2003 and the SystemPages value is not equal to 0
This Exchange server has the /PAE startup switch set in the Boot.ini file
This Exchange server is running with Physical Address Extensions enabled
This Exchange server is running with Physical Address Extensions enabled and the /3GB Startup Switch
This Exchange server is running with the /PAE and /3GB Startup Switches
This front-end server is configured with the recipient update service
There is a discrepancy with the Exchange server name between the registry and Active Directory
There is a discrepancy with the Exchange server name in Active Directory
There is more than one network between the Active Directory server and this Exchange server
Too many hops
Unable to access Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
Unsupported virtual machine configuration - clustered Exchange Server detected
Unsupported virtual machine configuration - Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2 or later not detected
Unsupported virtual machine configuration - virtual machine additions not detected
Update for Daylight Saving Time Available
Update Rollup for Windows 2000 SP4 not installed
URLScan is installed
USERVA is set incorrectly
The version of the Tcpip.sys file installed on this computer may require a hotfix
Virtual machine configuration detected
A virtual directory is running under an incorrect application pool
Virtual memory is fragmented
Virtual Server 2005 R2 or later not detected
Virus Scan queue length beyond threshold
Virus Scan queue length beyond warning threshold
Volume Mount Point Failure: Windows Server 2003 SP1 not Installed
Web Site Is Stopped
Windows Firewall Service is Enabled on Exchange Server
Windows Management Instrumentation service is not running as LocalSystem
Windows Server 2003 SP1: Outlook Web Access hotfix is required
Windows Server 2003 SP1 Security Configuration Wizard was detected
XESE.DLL file is present
BIOS is outdated
BIOS is outdated on the Dell PowerEdge server
BIOS update is available
Cluster network interface card is DHCP-enabled
The computer's primary DNS suffix does not match the FQDN of the domain where it resides
Critical BIOS update is available
Current Processor speed is less than the maximum possible speed
DisableDHCPMediaSense is not set correctly on Windows Server 2003
DisableDHCPMediaSense is not set correctly on Windows 2000 Server
Disk timeout is not set at default
The DNS search order is blank
Heartbeat connection has default gateway
Heartbeat connection has DNS search address
Heartbeat connection has WINS address
The heartbeat connection is first in the TCP/IP binding order and not the public connection
Heartbeat network speed set to auto sense/auto detect
Host Bus Adapter queue depth is set to 32
Hot-add memory configuration
Internet SCSI Initiator software is outdated
Logical and Physical disk performance counters are disabled
Multiple default gateways detected
The Secondary WINS server address is blank
Server is a Virtual PC
This disk is reporting an error
This Exchange server has more than 8 processors
This Exchange server has more than 4 GB of memory
This logical disk has less than 3 GB of available space
This mountpoint has less than 3 GB of available space
This network card is DHCP-enabled
The primary WINS server address is blank
Virtual Server detected
An inactive network connection is first on the binding list
Cannot Contact the DNS Server via TCP Port 53
DNS 'Host' Record Appears to Be Missing
DNS responses are different between UDP and TCP
DNS server is running Virtual Server 2005 with Exchange Server installed as a Guest
Enable Fast Message Retrieval for IMAP4
External DNS Server Responses are Different Between UDP and TCP
Network Bytes Total per second beyond threshold
Network interface card (NIC) teaming is enabled
Network Outbound Packets beyond threshold
Network Output Queue length beyond threshold
Primary DNS failed to respond to a UDP connection
Primary DNS server is unreachable
Primary External DNS Server Failed to Respond to a TCP Connection
Primary External DNS Failed to Respond to a UDP Connection
Primary WINS server failed to respond
Port 389 failed to respond
Port 636 failed to respond
The server is not configured to register DNS suffixes correctly
SMTP server does not support X-LINK2STATE verb
SMTP server failed mail acceptance test
SMTP server failed open relay test
The version of SMTP running does not support the XEXCH50 verb
Active Directory round-trip response error
Active Directory to Exchange Server round-trip response error
Anonymous access is allowed on internal SMTP virtual servers and dedicated SMTP virtual servers for IMAP and POP clients
Background antivirus scanning has been enabled
CheckPop3Tail value has been changed
Defense Message System is enabled
Disable MAPI clients warning
DisableSMTPMailboxAddressing value is set
Distribution of User Load
Exchange Virtual Directory for OMA and EAS has been overridden
An Exchange Virus Scanning API compatible product was detected, but it is not currently enabled
Exchange Virus Scanning API compatible product was detected, but it is not correctly installed
Exchange Virus Scanning API has low thread count
External DNS server is used for SMTP
Front-end server is using basic authentication
Gateway Server PING Unsuccessful
IIS 6.0 MaxFieldLength parameter not set correctly
IIS 6.0 MaxRequestBytes parameter not set correctly
The IMAP4 Compatibility flag has been set in the registry
IMAP4 MaxBufferSize value has been changed
IMAP4 MaxBufferSize value is too high
IMAP4 MaxBufferSize value is too low
MAPI Operation Failures
MaxClientRequestBuffer is set to a non-default value
MaxClientRequestBuffer is set too low
Multiple SMTP port bindings configured
PING Reply is a Different Size
Ping test not performed
Plain text antivirus scanning has been disabled
The POP3 Compatibility flag has been set in the registry
POP3 MaxBufferSize value has been changed
POP3 MaxBufferSize value is too high
POP3 MaxBufferSize value is too low
Port did not respond
Potential Black Hole Routers
Remote Host PING Unsuccessful
Routing Engine is stopped
RPC Client Backoff/sec or RPCS Failed exceeded threshold
RPC Performance Counters Indicate Poor Server Performance
RPC port range set on a non-clustered server
RPC port range set on a clustered server
RPC User Activity From Performance Counters
RTF antivirus scanning has been disabled
SMTP Banner Has Been Customized
SMTP Instance Paused
SMTP Instance Stopped
SMTP maximum recipients may be set too low
SMTP Proxy Address for EAS has been overridden
SMTP server accepts basic authentication
SMTP Service Disabled
SMTP Service Not Started
SMTP Service Set to Manual
SMTP service status unknown
UseAltRegionalCharset and UseRegionalCharset registry values are both enabled
UseAltRegionalCharset registry value is enabled on Exchange 2000 Server
UseAltRegionalCharset registry value is enabled on Exchange Server 2003
UseRegionalCharset registry value is enabled on Exchange 2000 Server
UseRegionalCharset registry value is disabled
UseRegionalCharset registry value is disabled or missing on Exchange Server 2003
User Load and MAPI Operations
Aging Clean Interval for a mailbox store is non-default
Aging Clean Interval for a public folder store is non-default
All versions of Outlook are allowed to access the server
AssertOnEvent is set
At least one corrupted message has been identified
Background Cleanup for a mailbox store is non-default
Background Cleanup interval for a mailbox store is missing
Background Cleanup interval for a public folder store is non-default
Background Cleanup interval for a public folder store is missing
BreakOnEvent is set
Call tracing is disabled
Call tracing is Enabled
Checkpoint depth is not set correctly on this cluster
Checkpoint file placement
Circular Logging is disabled on this front-end server
Circular logging is enabled
Circular logging is disabled
Client/Server RPC compression is disabled
ClientMonitoringReportLevel parameter is non-default
Consider implementing storage quotas
Content Indexing has been enabled on this mailbox store
Content Indexing has been enabled on this Public Folder store
DSNs are currently being rendered as messages
Database Aging Keep Time interval has been modified from default
Database and log files stored on same disk volume
Database Has All Log Files Present
Database Is in a Clean Shutdown State
Database Is in a Dirty Shutdown State and No Logs are Required
Database Is in an Unknown State
Database is Missing Optional and Required Log Files
Database Is Missing Optional Log Files but not Required Log Files
Database is Missing Required Log Files
Databases in this storage group are set to zero pages during backup
Debug Break At Startup is set
Default ESE log buffers have been changed
Default public folder store is remote
Deletion Thread Period for a mailbox store is non-default
Deletion Thread Period for a public folder store is non-default
Disk Bottleneck Detected
Disk bottleneck found on disk containing the transaction log files
EnableChangeNotification is non-default
Error Accessing Log Directory
Error Accessing Streaming Database File
Error Checking Log Files
ESE log buffers are at maximum on this storage group
ESE log buffers are set too low on this storage group
ESE log buffers are set too high on this storage group
ESE Log file size has been manually changed
ESE Maximum open tables has been hard-coded
The Exchange Database exceeds 100 GB in size
Exchange database files are being written to a compressed folder
Exchange database files are being written to a non-NTFS partition
Exchange database files are being written to an encrypted folder
Exchange Database Is in a Dirty Shutdown State
Exchange database online maintenance schedule is set to Never
The Exchange Information Store service is not configured to run as LocalSystem
The Exchange Information Store service is not running
The Exchange Information Store service is not running on this front-end server
Exchange Installable File System drive is enabled
Exchange Server Configuration and Performance
The Exchange Store TCP/IP port has been manually overridden
The Exchange Store TCP/IP port is below 5000
Exchange transaction logs are being written to a non-NTFS partition
Exchange transaction logs are written to a compressed folder
Exchange transaction logs are written to an encrypted folder
Extended ESE performance counters are enabled
Extended store performance counters are enabled
FXGetBuffer Backoff Constant parameter is non-default
FXGetBuffer Retry Count parameter is non-default
Ignore Bad Oof Rule registry parameter has been set
Ignore Zombie Users registry parameter has been set
The IgnoredLogs folder contains more than 1 GB of accumulated log files
IMAIL exception handling has been manually disabled
Information Store service is configured to interact with desktop
Increase maximum database size for mailbox store
Increase maximum database size for public folder store
Increase Transaction Log Log Buffers Setting
Initial memory percentage has been set
Initial Reserve Size KB registry entry has been set
The legacyExchangeDN for this Exchange database does not correspond to the Exchange server
The legacyExchangeDN value is missing from this Exchange database
LimitBodyParts parameter has been manually set
LimitEmbeddingDepth parameter has been manually set
LimitNestingLevels parameter has been manually set
LimitRecipients parameter has been manually set
Log buffers are not optimized for servers with replicated disk storage that are running Exchange Server 2003
Log buffers may not be sufficient for servers with large numbers of mailboxes that are running Exchange Server 2003
Log files stored on network drive
Log Generation Discrepancy
Log Pairs Are Inconsistent
Log Signature Discrepancy
Logon has been restricted to certain users
Lookup SID Cache Expire registry value has been set
Lookup SID Cache Size registry value has been set
Low virtual memory error event has been overridden
Low virtual memory warning event has been overridden
Mailbox Cache Age Limit has been set
Mailbox Cache Idle Limit has been set
Mailbox Cache Size has been set
Mailbox Cache Size set to zero
Mailbox Store Controlled by Policy
Mailbox store database file stored on network drive
Mailbox Store Database size limit has been set
Mailbox store does not have a default public folder store associated
Mailbox store exceeds 12 GB
Mailbox store exceeds 15 GB
Mailbox store has not had a full backup in more than 8 days
Mailbox store has not had a full backup in more than 60 days
Mailbox store online maintenance schedules overlap
Mailbox store prohibit send and receive limits are too similar
Mailbox store will not mount on startup
Max FXGetBuffer Users parameter is non-default
Maximum attachment per message submission has been changed
Maximum cached views has been modified
Maximum cached views is set too high
Maximum cached views is set too low
Maximum ESE cache has been manually changed
Maximum ESE Cache is set too high
Maximum ESE cache size increased
MaxOpenMessagesPerLogon has been set
The maximum number of databases per storage group has been manually changed
The maximum number of storage groups has been manually changed
Maximum open folder objects per logon has been changed
Maximum open folder views per logon has been changed
Maximum open message objects per logon has been changed
Maximum Polling Frequency is non-default
Minimum ESE cache has been manually changed
The number of threads for the store process is high
OAB Bandwidth Threshold (KBps) registry parameter is non-default
Offline address book is not associated with a particular mailbox store
OLD Completion Time for a public folder store is non-default
OLD Minimum RunTime for a public folder store is non-default
Online defragmentation has been disabled
Preferred backfill source enabled
Preferred Public Folder backfill source has been enabled
Provide More Disk Space
Public folder store database file stored on network drive
Public Folder Store Database size limit has been set
Public folder store has not had a full backup in more than 8 days
Public folder store has not had a full backup in more than 60 days
Public folder store exceeds 12 GB
Public folder store exceeds 15 GB
Public Folder store does not have an e-mail address
Public folder store will not mount on start-up
Public folder tree database assignment
Recovery storage group enabled
Recovery storage group functionality disabled
Replication expiry for a public folder server is non-default
Replication Folder Conflict Age Limit for a public folder store is non-default
Replication Folder Count Limit value changed
Replication Folder Tree RMQ Timeout value changed
Replication Folder Tombstone Age Limit for a public folder store is non-default
Replication Long Backfill Request Delay value changed
Replication Long Backfill Request Timeout value changed
Replication Long Backfill Request Timeout Retry value changed
Replication messages at startup has been Enabled
Replication Short Backfill Request Delay value changed
Replication Short Backfill Request Timeout value changed
Replication Short Backfill Request Timeout Retry value changed
Reserve increment size set
RPC buffer packing is disabled
RPC Compression Minimum Size is non-default
RpcEtwTracing parameter is non-default
Server has less than four storage groups but more than four mailbox stores defined
Signature Discrepancy Between Database and Streaming File
SMTP address is not defined in default recipient policy
Store RPC prorate registry parameters are not set to their correct values
Store working directory is missing or incorrect
Suppress out-of-office messages to distribution lists has been set
The threshold value that controls how many times a corrupted message is allowed to pass through the store has been changed
Tracing has been enabled on the Store process
Tracing has been enabled on the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service for all users
Transaction log file names running out
The VM Largest Block Size is low
The VM Largest Block Size is reaching critical point
VirtualReserveSize is non-default
Virtual memory event interval has been overridden
Write-Back Cache Not Enabled
Third-Party Software
Anti-Virus folder exclusions have not been configured
Antigen Is Scanning Public Folder Replication Messages
Antigen Reverse DNS Lookup is Enabled
Auto Accept Agent Update Available
CA eTrust: EML/LOG/EDB/STM/DAT files are not in the real-time file exclusion list
CA eTrust: Exchange data drive has not been excluded from manual job scanning
CA eTrust: Exchange data drive has not been excluded from real-time scanning
CA eTrust: Exchange IFS path has not been excluded from manual job scanning
CA eTrust: Exchange IFS path has not been excluded from real-time scanning
CA eTrust: Real-time scanning is set to scan all files regardless of extension
CA eTrust: Storage Group drive has not been excluded from manual job scanning
CA eTrust: Storage Group drive has not been excluded from real-time scanning
CA eTrust: Exchange process has not been excluded from real-time scanning
Client Service Messaging Security for SMB v2.0 update available
Consider installing HP Command View EVAPerf
EMC PowerPath Service is stopped
EMC PowerPath Version Mismatch Between Cluster Nodes
Emulex FC Port driver has not been updated in more than two years
Emulex SCSIport Miniport driver has not been updated in more than two years
Emulex Storport Miniport driver has not been updated in more than two years
The File Access Manager driver (FAMv4.sys) is installed
Forefront Reverse DNS Lookup is Enabled
High CPU usage in non-Exchange process
HP/Compaq Secure Path Service is stopped
Impact of Third-Party Software
INO_FLPY.SYS version update available
INO_FLTR.SYS version update available
McAfee GroupShield 5.2 for Microsoft Exchange Update for Exchange available
McAfee GroupShield 6.0 for Microsoft Exchange Update for Exchange available
McAfee GroupShield is installed on this Exchange server but the service is stopped
McAfee Transport Scanning Enabled on Backend Server
Messageware Plus Pack is installed
Microsoft Antigen Data Execution Prevention compatibility
NSI Software Double-Take is installed
Non-Exchange Process Consuming Greater than 20% Processor Time
Non-Exchange Process Consuming Greater than 50% Processor Time
An outdated version of HP/Compaq Secure Path is installed
Port 25 is blocked
Red Earth Software Policy Patrol for Exchange Server Needs Update
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange and CA eTrust running together
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange archive directory contains too many files
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange backup directory contains too many files
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange backup exclusion
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange debug mode is enabled
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange quarantine directory contains too many files
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange SharedResPool directory in default path
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange SMTP scanning enabled on mailbox server
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange TEMP directory contains many files
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange TEMP directory contains too many files
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange temporary folder path changed
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange temporary folder path optimization
ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange update available
SMTP transport antivirus scanning is not enabled
Simpler-Webb Exchange Resource Manager update is available
Sybari Antigen 7.5 for Microsoft Exchange Update for Exchange available
Sybari Antigen 8.0 for Microsoft Exchange Update for Exchange available
Sybari Antigen is installed on this Exchange server but the AntigenStore service is not running
Sybari Antigen is installed on this Exchange server but the service is stopped
Symantec Antivirus definitions have not been updated in more than 30 days
Symantec Antivirus is installed on this Exchange server but the service is stopped
Symantec Mail Security for Exchange antivirus scanning configuration alerts
Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange 4.5 update available
Trend Micro ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange Update available
Trend Micro ServerProtect for Microsoft Windows is stopped
Trend ScanMail configuration: performance may be improved
Trend ScanMail configuration: QuerySender registry value is enabled
Trend ScanMail configuration: ScanMail_Monitor service is not dependent on Cluster Service
Trend ScanMail configuration: SkipWildcardSearchInGC registry value is set to 0
Trend ScanMail configuration: value for MaxMessageCount registry value is less than 500
Trend ScanMail is configured to delete all file attachments
Trend ScanMail is configured to delete attachments with specific file names
Trend ScanMail is configured to delete attachments with specific file extensions
Trend ScanMail is configured to process messages twice
Trend ScanMail low thread count
Trend ScanMail low thread pool count
Trend ScanMail is in debug mode
Trend ScanMail Mail Action service is installed on this Exchange server but the service is stopped
Trend ScanMail real-time service is installed on this Exchange server but the service is stopped
Turn Off Third-Party Add-ins on Client
8BITMIME not registered
ADAM LDAP Port Identified
Antivirus plug-in installed
Antivirus plug-in enabled
BCC journaling is enabled
BDAT not registered
Bridgehead server to check distribution group delivery restrictions for RGC
Bridgehead server to check distribution group delivery restrictions for SMTP Connector
Cannot connect to the routing master on port 25
Cannot connect to the routing master on port 691
Cannot Find 'Host' or 'MX' Records
Cannot identify the sender
CatDbgSink Event Sink Installed
Categorizer is disabled for SMTP instance
A categorizer warning event (ID: 6004) was logged within the last 24 hours
A categorizer warning event (ID: 6006) was logged within the last 24 hours
A categorizer warning event (ID: 6008) was logged within the last 24 hours
Connection Filtering is Enabled
Connector has accept restrictions set
Connector has reject restrictions set
Connector rejects all messages by default
Connector restriction checking is enabled
Connector is scoped for local routing
Consider non-hierarchical restriction checking
ConvertDSNInternetContent registry key is configured to perform content conversion of all messages
Distribution group identified as a common destination
Earlier categorizations failed with a retryable error
The e-mail address policy references a domain that is not an accepted domain
Enable Intelligent Message Filter automatic update
Envelope journaling is enabled
ESMTP Verb Not Supported
Extended verbs are not being advertised by the Exchange server
An extra period appears in an SMTP domain in a recipient policy
Frozen Queues Detected
Filter update for Intelligent Message Filter is available
Flat restriction checking is enabled
'Host' Records Found but not 'MX' Records
The IIS PoolThreadLimit registry value has been manually added and configured
Incoming and outgoing message size restriction
Intelligent Message Filter custom response present
Intelligent Message Filter custom word list present
Intelligent Message Filter invalid custom response
Intelligent Message Filter is enabled on the mailbox server
Intelligent Message Filter is not enabled on the server
Invalid Recipient Update Service Server Designated
Large number of categorizations in progress
Large number of mailboxes with distribution group delivery restrictions set
Least Cost Routing is Enabled in a Mixed-Mode Organization
The listening port for SMTP appears to have been changed from its default of 25
'Local Delivery' Queue is Frozen
'Local Delivery' Queue is in Retry
Mail Acceptance Failure
Mail acceptance failure, BDAT command
Mailbox store identified as a common destination
'Messages with an unreachable destination' queue holds messages
'Messages with an unreachable destination' queue is frozen
'Messages with an unreachable destination' queue is in retry
Mailboxes with distribution group delivery restrictions set
Maximum incoming message size has not been set
Maximum incoming message size maybe set too low (<1MB)
MaxDSNSize not set
Maximum outgoing message size has not been set
Maximum outgoing message size may be set too low
Message-only journaling is enabled
Message routing loop may exist
'Messages awaiting directory lookup' Queue is Frozen
'Messages awaiting directory lookup' Queue is in Retry
'Messages Pending Submission' Queue is Frozen
'Messages Pending Submission' Queue is in Retry
'Messages waiting to be routed' Queue is Frozen
'Messages waiting to be routed' Queue is in Retry
Missing Transport Event Sink Binding
msExchAlternateServer attribute has been set
The msExchMaxIncomingConnections value has been changed from its default setting
The msExchSmtpMaxHopCount value has been altered from its default
The msExchSmtpMaxMessageSize value has been altered from its default of 0
The msExchSmtpMaxOutboundMsgPerDomain value has been changed from its default of 20
The msExchSmtpMaxOutgoingConnections value has been altered from its default of 1000
The msExchSmtpMaxOutgoingConnectionsPerDomain value has been changed from its default of 100
The msExchSmtpMaxRecipients value has been altered from its default of 64000
The msExchSmtpMaxSessionSize value has been altered from its default of 0
The msExchSmtpOutgoingPort value has been altered from its default of 25
The msExchSmtpRelayForAuth value has been changed from its default of True
The msExchSmtpSmartHostType value has been altered from its default of 0
MTA Stacks service is configured to interact with desktop
No 'Host' Records Found for 'MX' Records
No 'Host' Records Found
No mailbox for quarantined messages exists
No 'MX' Records Found
Nested distribution group found in delivery restrictions
Nested distribution group found but flat restriction checking enabled
No message from the specified sender
No message to the specified recipient
No queue status available. SMTP queue analysis aborted.
No remote servers or domains were available for DNS record tests
No Servers Available for SMTP Command Tests
No Servers Were Available for Connectivity Tests
No servers were available for SMTP instance name checks
Non-default Routing Service Cache Setting
Non-default SMTP LdapRequestTimeLimit registry value
Non-default SMTP LdapResultTimeout registry value
Non-default SMTP MaxConnectionRetries registry value
Non-default SMTP MaxLdapConnections registry value
Non-default SMTP MaxPendingSearches registry value
Non-default SMTP MaxSearchBlockSize registry value
Non-default SMTP TopoRecheckSecs registry value
Non-Exchange gateway server not set as smart host
Possible categorizer overload
Possible gateway problem
Possible Inetinfo problem
Possible non-gateway problem
Possible SMTP proxy detected
Potential categorizer performance issue
Potential Distribution Group Expansion Issues Found
Potential Message Journaling Recipient Problems Found
Potential Message Journaling and Store Service Problems Found
Potential Permissions Problems Found
The Primary SMTP Address Template is Not the Default
Public folder identified as a common destination
Public folder store identified as a common destination
Recipient Filtering is Enabled
'Remote Delivery' Queue is Frozen
'Remote Delivery' Queue is in Retry
'Remote Delivery' Queue Issue
Retry Categorization
Retry Local Delivery
Retry Routing
Reverse DNS lookups have been enabled in the metabase but not on the associated SMTP server in the Active Directory
Routing Engine: AttachedTimeout parameter is non-default
Routing Engine: BestAddressMatchOnly parameter is non-default
Routing Engine: CheckConnectorRestrictions parameter is non-default
Routing Engine: Configuration parameter is non-default
Routing Engine: PollingInterval parameter is non-default
Routing Engine: StateChangeDelay parameter is non-default
Routing Engine: SuppressStateChanges parameter is non-default
Routing group connector with distribution group delivery restrictions set
Routing group master has been deleted
Routing group membership error
Send Connector Disabled
Sender Filtering Enabled
Sender ID Filtering Enabled
Server identified as a common destination
Sink Registration Not Found
Smarthost name error
Smart host is set on SMTP virtual server
The SMTP AdditionalPoolThreadsPerProc registry value has been manually set
SMTP Archive Sink: Archive P1 headers set
SMTP Archive Sink enabled
SMTP Archive Sink: Post-categorization set
SMTP Archive Sink: Pre-categorization set
SMTP Archive Sink: System messages are being archived
SMTP BadMail data is being written to a compressed folder
SMTP BadMail data is being written to a non-NTFS partition
SMTP BadMail data is being written to an encrypted folder
The SMTP CatRetryMinutes registry value is non-default
SMTP configuration warning
SMTP connector with distribution group delivery restrictions set
SMTP domain re-writing is enabled
The SMTP FailedMsgQRetryMinutes registry value is non-default
The SMTP LocalDeliveryMaxBatch registry value is non-default
SMTP instance FQDN does not match DNS resolved server name
SMTP instance with no outbound SMTP connector set
The SMTP LocalRetryMinutes registry value is non-default
The SMTP FileCacheLifeTimeSeconds registry value has been manually added but may no longer be needed
The SMTP FileCacheMaxHandles registry value has been manually added but may no longer be required
The SMTP GlitchRetrySeconds registry value has been manually set
The SMTP IgnorePFTimeLimit registry value has been manually set
SMTP instance has multiple port bindings configured
SMTP message failure warning - BadMail messages general failure
SMTP message failure warning - BadMail messages hop count threshold
SMTP message failure warning - BadMail messages NDR of DSN
SMTP message failure warning - Categorizer address lookups not found
SMTP message failure warning - Categorizer directory logon failure
SMTP message failure warning - Categorizer directory service failure
SMTP message failure warning - Categorizer non-retryable error
SMTP message failure warning - Categorizer out of memory failure
SMTP message failure warning - Categorizer retryable error
SMTP mail queue data is being written to a compressed folder
SMTP mail queue data is being written to an encrypted folder
SMTP mail queue data is being written to non-NTFS partition
The SMTP MaxDSNSize value has been manually set
The SMTP MaxPendingCat registry value is non-default
SMTP MaxMessageObjects has been set too low
The SMTP MaxMessageObjects registry parameter has been changed from its default
The SMTP MaxPercentPoolThreads registry value has been manually set
The SMTP MsgHandleAsyncThreshold registry value has been manually added but may no longer be needed
The SMTP MsgHandleThreshold registry value has been manually added but may no longer be needed
SMTP Pickup files are being written to a compressed folder
SMTP Pickup files are being written to an encrypted folder
SMTP Pickup files are being written to a non-NTFS partition
SMTP Port Change
SMTP queue folder contains a large number of files
SMTP queue folder and pickup folder are identical
SMTP queue is on the same drive as the system partition
The SMTP ResetMessageStatus registry value is non-default
The SMTP ResetRoutesRetryMinutes registry value is non-default
The SMTP RoutingRetryMinutes registry value is non-default
The SMTP SecondsPerDSNPass registry value is non-default
SMTP server has NTLM authentication disabled
The SMTP SubmissionRetryMinutes registry value is non-default
The SMTP virtual server has a higher message size limit than the global message size limit
This SMTP virtual server is configured to perform reverse DNS lookups for incoming messages
SP1 Version of Intelligent Message Filter is Enabled
SP2 Version of Intelligent Message Filter Enabled
Specified gateway server not used
Specified sender on different server
Target destination servers could not be identified
TarpitTime has been implemented
Test Mail Generated NDR
Test Mail Sent to Badmail Directory
Test Message Sitting in SMTP Queue
There are more than 900 connectors in a Routing Group
There is a discrepancy with the fully-qualified domain name setting between the Active Directory and metabase
There is a discrepancy with the maximum hop count setting between the Active Directory and metabase
There is a discrepancy with the maximum message size setting between Active Directory and metabase
There is a discrepancy with the maximum session size setting between the Active Directory and metabase
Transport connection manager warning event was logged within the last 24 hours
A transport connection manager warning event was logged within the last 24 hours
Transport Event Sink File Not Found
User version changes of the link state information are suppressed
User identified as a common destination
Unknown SMTP Issue
Exchange Server 2007 Readiness
Access control list (ACL) inheritance is blocked
Active Directory Schema Extension Requires That Ldifde.exe be Installed
ADAM Install Path Exists
ADAM not Installed on the Local Computer
ADAM is not installed on the Local Computer (Windows Server 2008)
Analyzer Search Warning
32-bit compatibility warning
2007 Time Zone Update for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems Needs to be Installed
Active Directory does not exist or cannot be contacted
Active Directory domain is mixed mode
Active Directory Preparation Required
ADAM port is already in use
Application Public Folder Hierarchy Present
Cannot determine the name of the Active Directory site
Cannot find a recipient update service
Cannot remove mailbox database
Cannot remove public folder database
Cannot Remove Unified Messaging Server Role
Cannot Write to CMS Data Path
Cannot write to the Exchange organization container
Client Access role not detected in local site
Cluster Managed Resources Need to be Moved or Taken Offline
Cluster Service is Not Started
Cluster update required (KB921181)
CMS Data Path Must Be NTFS Volume
Current Cluster Node Owns Clustered Management Services
The COM+ Event System Service Must be Started Before Setup can Continue
Complex Exchange Organization Model Detected
The 'Default Web Site' cannot be found on the local computer
The Distributed Transaction Coordinator Service Must be Started Before Setup can Continue
The DNS suffix is not set on the local computer
Domain Controller Override is set in the Registry
Domain Preparation Required
The Edge Transport role cannot be installed on the local computer
EDK Connector Found in Topology
A Computer Account for the CMS Does Not Exist in the Local Active Directory Site
Esm.dll is in use by one or more processes
'ExchHelp.chm' is open
Exchange 2000 Server computers require upgrade to SP3
Exchange Organization is in Mixed Mode
Exchange Server 2003 computers require upgrade to SP2
Exchange Server 2007 cannot be used with this version of Windows
File Share Witness Not Configured
First role installation cannot be delegated
Forefront Security for Exchange Server Services Must be Disabled
Forefront Security for Exchange Server Upgrade Required
The fully-qualified domain name of the computer matches a recipient policy
A global catalog server does not exist in the local site
Global updates required
The Host record for the local computer cannot be found in the DNS database
Hub Transport role not detected in local site
Hub Transport Server Not Present in Active Directory Site
IIS 6 Compatibility Components Not Installed
IIS 7 Component Not Installed
IIS Common Files are required
IIS is in 32-bit compatibility mode
Insufficient Permissions to Prepare Active Directory
Insufficient Permissions to Remove All Server Roles
Insufficient Permissions to Run /PrepareDomain
Invalid Domain Name System Domain Name
Invalid Installation Path
Invalid CMS Target Path Format
The installed version of MOUNTMGR.SYS is incompatible with Exchange Server
The installed version of TCPIP.SYS is incompatible with Exchange Server
Large Exchange Organization Model Detected
The local computer is a domain controller of a child domain
The local computer is already running Exchange Server
The local computer is not running Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or later
The local computer is responsible for expanding group membership
The local computer is responsible for generating the offline address book
The local computer is running the Edge Transport role
The local computer is running Windows Server 2003 Web Edition
The local domain needs to be updated
The local metabase cannot be accessed
The logged-on user is not a member of the local Administrators group
The logged on user is not a member of the Schema Admins group
Too Many Active Nodes
Mailbox database drive specification is missing
Messages currently exist in one or more queues
Microsoft .NET Framework Update Required
Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6.0 required
The MNSFileShare path is invalid
MSDAPS.DLL Update Required
The Network News Transport Service is currently installed
No Client Access server role found
Non-standard address space found
Not in schema master site/domain
No Windows Server 2003 SP1 Domain Controller in Domain
OAB Server Has Been Deleted
Older database files present
Older Version of ADAM Installed
One or more Active Directory Connector servers were found
Only One CCR Server Allowed
Only the Mailbox role can be installed on a cluster server
Organization is in mixed mode
The primary DNS server cannot be contacted
Public folder database drive specification is missing
The Registry on a Clustered Node Could not be Accessed Remotely
A Restart from a Previous Installation is Pending
Remove Edge Subscription before Uninstalling Server Role
Scalable Networking Pack is Installed
Schema FSMO is Not Windows Server 2003 Service Pack (SP1) or Above
The schema master is running Windows 2000 Server
The schema master is not running Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or later
Setup Cannot Install Exchange to a Read-Only Domain Controller
Setup Failure Occurred While Installing a Server Role
This Server is the Source for a Routing Group Connector
This Server is the Source for a Send Connector
Simple Exchange Organization Model Detected
The Simple Mail Transport Protocol is currently installed
Site cannot support Exchange 2007 servers
Standard Exchange Organization Model Detected
Static IP addresses are recommended in a cluster
Storage path for a single copy cluster must be a clustered disk
SMTP Addressing Format Not Supported
SMTP site link found
Storage group drive specification is missing
Target Install Path Mis-Match
Target path is compressed
Two or more network interfaces are recommended in a cluster
Unable to connect to Remote Registry service
Windows Installer 4.5 Required
Windows Media Audio Voice Codec Component Not Installed
Windows Media Audio Voice Codec update required
Windows Media Encoder Desktop Experience Component Not Installed
Windows Media Encoder update required
The World Wide Web Publishing Service is disabled or missing
Uninstall Unified Messaging Language Packs
Unsupported SMTP Domain Wildcard Found
Disaster Recovery Exchange Version Mismatch
X400 Connector Found in Topology
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